Tag Archives: electric bicycles


Electric Bicycles

Electric Bicycles BookElectric Bicycles covers all aspects of this rapidly growing form of transport and leisure riding. Chapters cover history and classic models and flops, types of electric bike and the technology used (including the low-down on batteries), conversion kits, why and how you might want to use electric bikes, bikes from around the world, emerging technologies, the latest on the legal position and much, much more.
Little known until recently, electric bikes are advancing rapidly, both in terms of popularity and technology.

David Henshaw has edited and published A to B magazine, specialising in folding and electric bikes, since 1997. Richard Peace is founder of Excellent Books, specialising in cycle publishing, and has been writing about cycling for more than 15 years.

Extra information and taster pages available at www.electricbicyclesbook.com

256 pages – 170 colour photos, graphs, diagrams and tables.

